Interest free payments plans:

Own Art is an interest free credit service to help you buy Original contemporary original art and craft by Living artists.
- interest-free loans from £100 to a maximum loan of £2,500
- You need only pay a 10% deposit upfront to the Gallery with the balance paid back through monthly repayments, ( interest free) over 10 months. Or no deposit and split the whole amount over 10 months.
- You can buy multiple works of art to the value of £2,500 or use the loan as part payment towards a bigger purchase.
- Loans are available to UK residents ( for at least 3 years) aged 18 or over with a bank or building society account capable of operating direct debits.
- You must either by employed for at least 16 hours a week or be retired, self employed or in receipt of disability allowance.
Loans can be arranged in the Gallery or remotely via email or telephone.
Once arranged you can take your painting away with you on the same day, or it can be delivered to your home address for free! (UK only).