Alastair Proud Original paintings and prints

Alastair Proud was born and educated in Dublin. Moving to Wales he attended Art College in Carmarthen leaving in 1978 to earn a living as an artist. While still at Art College he submitted work and was accepted for ‘The Society of Wildlife Artists’ annual exhibition. His work received the admiration of Sir Peter Scott, the then President of the society. He has exhibited with the Society annually at the Mall Galleries since then and became a full member in 1986.
Alastair has illustrated many books on the natural world and has work in private collections all over the world, including over 40 paintings in the collection of royalty. The Pembrokeshire coast and the islands are a constant source of inspiration for his work.

Read our recent interview with Alastair Proud

Available Original Paintings

  Click on images for further detail


‘All at sea’

oil on board


‘Rising tide and a curious Otter’

oil on board


‘Lone Gannet, low over the waves’

oil on canvas


Ty Tylluan, Young Barn owls’

oil on board


‘Last embers of summer, Tortoise shell butterflies’

oil on board


‘Winter flight – Whooper swans over Towy Valley’

oil on board



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